Thank you for requesting the services of National Energy Action’s Training and Education team.

To confirm your booking, please read through and complete the booking form below.

PLEASE NOTE: Once you complete the booking form and select submit you should see a confirmation note on screen. If not and instead you return back to the top of the booking form, your booking is not complete. Please check that all relevant fields are complete (all fields marked with a * are mandatory) and your e-mail address is correct then submit again.



Name of lead contact(Required)
Email address(Required)


Workshop details (Click '+' to add additional workshops)(Required)
WORKSHOP TITLE (from the list below)
SETTING (classroom/ hall)
1 – KS1 – Keep warm, Keep cosy / 2 – Lower KS2 – Energy in mind / 3 – Upper KS2 – Let’s go green / 4 – KS3 – Net Zero: Why it matters to you! / 5 – KS4 – Watts up? Understanding energy use and independent living /
6 – KS5 – Watts up? Understanding energy use and independent living / 7 – Bespoke Workshop
Anything we may need to know, such as: instructions for when the facilitator arrives, timings of the school day to be aware of, accessibility needs, etc.


National Energy Action collects personal information when you book an education workshop; this is used to provide the services requested; report to funders (if necessary); and to evaluate our services. We will not share your details with any other third parties without your consent. By submitting your booking form, you are agreeing to these terms.

Our full privacy policy can be viewed at the following link –

Privacy policy(Required)
From time-to-time, National Energy Action send details on education events and new resources. Would you like to be included in these mailings?(Required)
As a charity, National Energy Action relies on promoting its work so people who need us can get advice and support. Can we name your school/college in our posts?(Required)
If yes, please provide us with details of the social media platforms that you use and your handles. If you do not wish to be tagged, please leave this question blank.
Would it be possible to take photos of the workshop for our website, social media pages and to report to funders?(Required)


1) It is the responsibility of the client to provide all of the facilities/ items/ information outlined in the ‘responsibilities and instructions’ page – CLICK HERE TO VIEW DETAILS

2) As training providers, National Energy Action shall be responsible for ensuring that a trainer/educator is available on the agreed dates. Should the trainer/educator become unavailable due to some unforeseen circumstance (e.g. illness, bereavement, weather conditions), we will advise you at the earliest opportunity of the need to reschedule to a mutually convenient date.

3) You agree that National Energy Action is not liable for any claim, loss, action, proceeding, damage, cost, expense arising from your participation in this workshop, except in cases of negligence or fraud.

4) It is the responsibility of the booking contact to ensure that adequate staffing is available for the workshop. It will be the responsibility of the school staff present to deal with any behavioural issues from the learners or any instances of learners not following school behavioural guidelines. National Energy Action retains the right to end a workshop if at any point if the behaviour of learners is not conducive to delivering the workshop. National Energy Action staff have the right to work in an environment free of abuse and mistreatment, any incidences deemed inappropriate towards members of National Energy Action staff will cause the workshop and future booking to cease.

5) The booking contact will complete a sessions feedback sheet as part of the agreement. This will be emailed out after delivery.

6) Cancellations – if you no longer require this workshop or wish to re-arrange, please inform NEA as soon as possible so the session can be reallocated. Please note that while the workshop is free of charge to your organisation, there is a cost implication to NEA to deliver and failure to inform us of cancellations in advance can have knock on implications to funding. Regular cancellations may result in future bookings being blocked.


To confirm your booking, please select the submit button below. By submitting this form, you agree to adhere to the terms and conditions specified above and that all details provided are correct at the time of booking.

PLEASE NOTE: Once you complete the booking form and select submit you should see a confirmation note on screen. If not and instead you return back to the top of the booking form, your booking is not complete. Please check that all relevant fields are complete (all fields marked with a * are mandatory) and your e-mail address is correct then submit again.

Once submitted you should receive a confirmation e-mail.