NEA Training

Schools & Education Resources

At NEA, we are passionate about promoting the efficient use of energy and achieving affordable warmth at home. We all know that children are influenced by the actions of others around them – but we also know that children with the right information can play an important part in changing the behaviour of others in their homes.

Through the delivery of our education resources, we aim to enhance the understanding of young people in schools, colleges and universities about keeping warm and safe at home, how they can use energy wisely and how they can reduce CO2 emissions.

Our package of education resources is developed and delivered in schools, colleges and universities by an experienced teacher, covering a wide range of topics and using a variety of learning techniques.

We have created new online education resources to help primary school children become home energy experts.


Key Stage 1

Using clips from ‘Hey, Piggy, Piggy’, NEA’s own performance based take on the story of the Three Little Pigs, our resources introduce students in Year 1 and Year 2 to the kinds of materials that are useful insulators, and offer early tips for keeping warm and safe at home. A range of supplementary resources means that classes can then build on the half day classroom workshop, incorporating literacy, music and History – all linked to the theme of energy awareness.

The children loved the songs from the play and the whole class has been singing about saving energy all week!”

Key Stage 2

Our classroom activities for students in Years 3 – 6 incorporate group work, discussion and drama, with a focus on identifying fuel sources and how we use them in the home, keeping safe with gas and electricity in the home, providing energy saving tips, and encouraging students to ‘pledge’ the behaviour changes they will make in their everyday energy use

All of the activities tied in perfectly with our recent topic on Electricity, and offered the students lots of real life examples and advice.”

Key Stage 3

In line with National Curriculum requirements for Science, our resources cover the calculation of fuel uses and costs, and the development of solar and wind power as renewable sources of energy. Classroom workshops also include an introduction to calculating appliance running costs and the creation of solar powered cars and vehicles.

“Students really enjoyed the solar car competition and it helped them to see how we can change our energy use in the future.”

Further Education

Six Form and Further Education

For use in PSHE, or enhancement workshops, we have developed a problem-solving task focusing on saving and managing energy use in shared accommodation. The activities offer a basic introduction to energy awareness, understanding fuel costs and energy efficiency, and we offer a range of energy saving tips for young people about to live independently.

“Our Year 13 students were challenged to think carefully about the problems of being energy efficient in shared housing, and the information they gained will really help them in future.


In recent years NEA has worked with several universities, offering energy efficiency workshops for students living in private rented accommodation, and providing Energy Awareness training through City and Guilds qualifications. This can offer students a crucial understanding of how to achieve a better standard of warmth in student houses, and how to manage ever increasing fuel bills.

Bespoke packages

We also offer bespoke education packages for specific groups of young people, such as young carers, or to enhance specific aspects of the Key Stage 4 curriculum focusing on energy efficiency or renewable energy. Please get in touch to discuss how workshops and resources can be tailored to your needs.

If you are part of an organisation that would like to sponsor the delivery of any of these sessions in school, or if you are a school / college with funding to buy in curriculum support or enhancement activities, please get in touch.

You can email Linda Marsden or call 0191 269 2902.