National Energy Action
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Warm Minds
Post on 26th Aug 2020
Warm Minds is a small-scale pilot project in London, the South East and East of England, which aims to reduce the impact of fuel poverty and help support people with mental health issues and their carers, to reduce their energy consumption, use energy mo
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Life through gas: Connecting Homes for Health
Post on 26th Aug 2020
Cold and damp housing conditions impact on health and wellbeing. As well as causing or exacerbating serious physical health conditions such as strokes, heart attacks and asthma, they can contribute to other issues such as poor mental health, stress.
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Delivering Advice in the Community
Post on 26th Aug 2020
Maureen Fildes is one of our Project Development Coordinators, providing specialist energy advice in the North East of England. Here she shares some of her experiences.
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