LucidTalk — NEA NI: September 2023 – Northern Ireland (NI) Attitudinal Poll
Date: 20th Oct 2023

LucidTalk runs regular ‘Attitudinal’ polls targeted at various sectors and usually targeted at Northern Ireland (NI), with the objective of obtaining a robust and mathematically representative sample of NI opinion.
For this project, online polling was carried out by LucidTalk over a period of 4 days from 15th to 18th September 2023. The project targeted the established Northern Ireland (NI) LucidTalk online Opinion Panel (14,000+ members) which is balanced by gender, age-group, area of residence and community background to ensure it is demographically representative of Northern Ireland.
2,013 full responses were collated, and after data auditing to ensure ‘one person-one vote’ responses, and the collation of a robust, accurate, and balanced representative NI sample, – 1,047 full responses were recorded and used for analysis in terms of the final results.
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