Heated seat covers in North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire (CP1031)
Date: 27th Sep 2017

This project was delivered by YES Energy Solutions in collaboration with North Lincolnshire Council and North East Lincolnshire Council. Its aim was to determine if B-Warm heated seat covers could prove a low-cost solution to improving health and well-being and reducing energy usage in vulnerable and older households in North and North East Lincolnshire.
Keeping warm and well at an affordable cost is a challenge for the over 65s and for those with a more sedentary lifestyle due to ill health. There are 210 Excess Winter Deaths (EWD) in North Lincolnshire and 150 EWD in North East Lincolnshire every year. Many of the target group for this project were living in older, difficult to heat homes such as solid walled properties or those with little or no insulation, especially in the private sector. It was hoped that using the heated seat pad would allow the householders to maintain a consistent, comfortable temperature (18-21°C) during long periods of immobility without having to turn up the heating, thereby avoiding large energy bills. The running costs of the heated seat pad are estimated at approximately 0.5p per hour, according to the manufacturer.
B-Warm is a portable heated seat cover manufactured by Homeglow Products Ltd. It is designed to fit most armchairs and sofas. It operates with a single control button, producing low level controlled heat with 4 adjustable settings from 10w to 45w. It is relatively simple to install, removable and machine washable.
Amongst the benefits that are claimed for the measure are low running costs (less than 10p per day), providing low cost warmth for householders, in particular for those who for reasons of age or health are more sedentary. It is claimed the product can contribute to reductions in overall heating costs and can help to bring improvements in certain health conditions whilst aiding comfort.
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