Warm and Safe Homes in Fishwick

In 2013 around 360 households in Fishwick had external wall insulation put on their homes. This was part of a national energy efficiency scheme that should have made homes easier and cheaper to keep warm, but for many households the choice of measures and quality of work was poor and properties developed severe damp and mould.

Although over 60 properties had work done to put problems right many others have had to live with the consequences. A scheme that should have helped people has left some of them worse off. We do not think that is right. We know that, done well, insulation makes homes warmer, healthier, and affordable and we have funding available to put right failed insulation in some of the affected households in Fishwick. We will now work with the people in Fishwick to design a project that avoids the mistakes of the past.

We know that we cannot solve all the problems caused in 2013, but we hope to make things better for some of the worst affected households. Whilst we can’t yet be onsite, we are available to help and assist the residents living in the local community.

Project information

We have written an information leaflet about the project which is available in English, Pakistani Urdu and Gujarati.

We have also sent residents a newsletter in October 2020 which can be read here

If you’d like to subscribe to future newsletters let us know here.

Project principles

  • We will help those in the greatest need first
  • We will work with households to identify the right solutions for them
  • We will be honest and open about what we can do and what we cannot do
  • We will insist on exemplary work carried out to the highest standards
  • We will share the lessons learned to benefit projects in other communities

Download our Community Engagement Charter here


In August 2020 and February 2022 residents affected by the failed insulation were sent a questionnaire. The response has been good which is great news as this information is really important to help us to better understand the households we hope to help and what help we can give. The questionnaire deadline has already passed but we are still able to accept responses so if you are a resident and have the questionnaire handy, please fill it in and send it to us in the envelope we provided. Please bear in mind that completing a questionnaire does not mean that your property will be surveyed or have works completed as the Charity has very limited funding. You don’t need a stamp. If you can’t find your questionnaire but would like to complete it, just get in touch to let us know and we’ll send you another one. Send us an email to fishwick@nea.org.uk.

Apart from the household survey NEA has also issued a call for evidence to stakeholders, an invitation to local organisations to share their views, experience and expertise with us. A technical evaluation will also be carried out alongside the property surveys in order to measure the effectiveness of the improvements made and the longer-term impacts on living conditions.

Next steps

NEA will also deliver a programme of advice, support and training to householders and organisations in Fishwick relating to energy efficiency and this includes a confidential benefits, debt and income advice service. Furthermore, we will work with stakeholders to identify additional funds to extend the measures beyond what we can currently support. Lastly, throughout the programme we will evaluate the outcomes of the whole project, measures, programme design, community engagement, oversight of works and project governance.

Unfortunately, because of COVID-19, our original plans and timelines have suffered delays as visiting individual householders became impossible due to lockdown and social distancing rules.  So whilst we might not be able to be out there in Fishwick we have been working hard behind the scenes to get everything in place so that contractors are appointed and ready to start as soon as we’re allowed.   There will be more updates on our appointed contractors shortly.  

How to get in touch

Our Resident and Community Liaison Officer, Taz Ali, is available to help and assist residents with further information about the project and NEA’s next steps. He can also provide advice and support with energy bills, making claims for benefits, fuel debt or energy efficiency advice.

Email: fishwick@nea.org.uk

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Media enquiries
Email: Nina Dunlavy, Senior Communications Officer at NEA nina.dunlavy@nea.org.uk
Telephone: 07720 593541