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NEA response to Net Zero Review: Call for evidence

NEA response to Net Zero Review: Call for evidence

31st Oct 2022

We are supportive of the government’s net zero strategy and believe that this can be conducive of growth, as well as improving energy security and affordability for fuel poor households.

NEA’s response to open consultation on Ofwat’s draft methodology for PR24

NEA’s response to open consultation on Ofwat’s draft methodology for PR24

07th Sep 2022

NEA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the consultation on Ofwat’s draft methodology for PR24

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator's SSE Airtricity Gas Supply (NI) Ltd 2023-2027 Price Control

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s SSE Airtricity Gas Supply (NI) Ltd 2023-2027 Price Control

31st Aug 2022

As a regulated company, SSE Airtricity ultimately serves to provide an essential service to consumers in Northern Ireland. The interests of consumers must be at the heart of the Final Determination.

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator's Firmus Energy Supply Draft Price Control Determination 2023-2026

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s Firmus Energy Supply Draft Price Control Determination 2023-2026

29th Jul 2022

As a regulated company, firmus ultimately serves to provide an essential service to consumers in Northern Ireland. The interests of consumers must be at the heart of the final determination.

NEA response to Ofgem consultation on strengthening retail financial resilience and statutory consultation on strengthening Direct Debit rules

NEA response to Ofgem consultation on strengthening retail financial resilience and statutory consultation on strengthening Direct Debit rules

20th Jul 2022

NEA argues that the proposed rules on financial resilience should only be implemented if they do not lead to an increase in the level of the price cap.

NEA’s response to open consultation on Ofwat’s innovation fund – approach for 2022-25

NEA’s response to open consultation on Ofwat’s innovation fund – approach for 2022-25

17th May 2022

NEA welcomes the opportunity to respond to the consultation on Ofwat’s innovation fund – approach for 2022-25. 

Response to Ofgem consultation on medium term changes to the price cap methodology

Response to Ofgem consultation on medium term changes to the price cap methodology

18th Mar 2022

NEA argues that our clear preference is for the Enhanced Status Quo option.

NEA response to Ofgem’s forward work programme 2021/23 consultation

NEA response to Ofgem’s forward work programme 2021/23 consultation

28th Feb 2022

NEA sets out the points that Ofgem should focus on.

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator's Draft Forward Work Programme 2022-23

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s Draft Forward Work Programme 2022-23

22nd Feb 2022

NEA NI welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Utility Regulator’s Draft Forward Work Programme (FWP) 2022–2023.

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator's SONI Governance Licence Modifications Consultation

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s SONI Governance Licence Modifications Consultation

21st Feb 2022

NEA NI welcomes the opportunity to respond to the SONI governance licence modifications consultation.

NEA NI response to the Consumer Council's Draft Forward Work Programme 2022-23

NEA NI response to the Consumer Council’s Draft Forward Work Programme 2022-23

21st Feb 2022

The Consumer Council for Northern Ireland (CCNI) plays a fundamental role in providing vital information, advice and advocacy for all consumers in Northern Ireland, with a focus on vulnerable consumers. This work has great importance for NEA and many organisations…