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NEA response Ofwat statutory and non-statutory consultations on charging rules and tariff innovation
03rd Nov 2022
NEA welcomes the opportunity to respond to these two consultations on Ofwat’s charging rules and tariff innovation.

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s Draft Forward Work Programme 2022-23
22nd Feb 2022
NEA NI welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Utility Regulator’s Draft Forward Work Programme (FWP) 2022–2023.

NEA NI response to the Consumer Council’s Draft Forward Work Programme 2022-23
21st Feb 2022
The Consumer Council for Northern Ireland (CCNI) plays a fundamental role in providing vital information, advice and advocacy for all consumers in Northern Ireland, with a focus on vulnerable consumers. This work has great importance for NEA and many organisations…

NEA’s response to Ofwat’s consultation “PR24 and beyond: Performance commitments for future price reviews”
13th Jan 2022
NEA’s response to Ofwat’s consultation “PR24 and beyond: Performance commitments for future price reviews”

NEA’s response to Ofwat’s consultation their forward programme 2021/22
22nd Feb 2021
NEA’s response to Ofwat’s consultation on their forward programme for 2021/22 outlines four key areas of focus.

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s Draft Forward Work Programme 2021-2022
19th Feb 2021
NEA NI works closely with the Utility Regulator across many aspects of work, but especially in relation to consumers and policy development, also with the view to empowering consumers and communities. We have made some comments around the objectives in…
NEA response to Ofwat consultation: PR24 and beyond – Reflecting customer preferences in future price reviews
28th Jan 2021
NEA’s response to Ofwat’s consultation on the role of customer engagement in the next price review, PR24.

NEA response to CCW’s Water Affordability Review call for evidence
15th Dec 2020
NEA’s Response to the CCW Call for Evidence for the Water Affordability Review. NEA considers all aspects of the current affordability support in water, highlighting areas of best practice, possible improvements and learnings from other sectors to help develop a…

COVID water use and the impact on poverty in the UK
11th Nov 2020
A joint report from NEA and Waterwise

Surviving the Wilderness: The landscape of personal debt in the UK
04th Nov 2020
Following on from the June 2020 NEA policy paper “The Gathering Storm: Utility Debt and Covid-19”, this paper provides an evidence synthesis of personal debt, both prior and post the Covid-19 outbreak, with a focus on the shift from consumer…

Comments on Provisional Findings of Water Redeterminations 2020
28th Oct 2020
NEA recognises that many low-income households experience affordability issues with their essential household bills, rarely struggling with one bill in isolation, and as a result is delivering a programme of work which seeks to support ‘People Living in Water Poverty…

Social Tariffs in Water: The Impact of COVID-19
27th Jun 2020
In the first few months of 2020, the world watched a global pandemic unfold. Countries around the world were imposing strict nationwide lock-downs, with economies basically shutting down to control the spread of the virus. The turning point for the…