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NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator's SSE Airtricity Gas Supply (NI) Ltd 2023-2027 Price Control

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s SSE Airtricity Gas Supply (NI) Ltd 2023-2027 Price Control

31st Aug 2022

As a regulated company, SSE Airtricity ultimately serves to provide an essential service to consumers in Northern Ireland. The interests of consumers must be at the heart of the Final Determination.

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator's Firmus Energy Supply Draft Price Control Determination 2023-2026

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s Firmus Energy Supply Draft Price Control Determination 2023-2026

29th Jul 2022

As a regulated company, firmus ultimately serves to provide an essential service to consumers in Northern Ireland. The interests of consumers must be at the heart of the final determination.

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator's Draft Forward Work Programme 2022-23

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s Draft Forward Work Programme 2022-23

22nd Feb 2022

NEA NI welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Utility Regulator’s Draft Forward Work Programme (FWP) 2022–2023.

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator's Draft Forward Work Programme 2021-2022

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s Draft Forward Work Programme 2021-2022

19th Feb 2021

NEA NI works closely with the Utility Regulator across many aspects of work, but especially in relation to consumers and policy development, also with the view to empowering consumers and communities. We have made some comments around the objectives in…

NEA response to Ofgem FPNES Governance Drafting Consultation

NEA response to Ofgem FPNES Governance Drafting Consultation

29th Jan 2021

NEA’s Response to the Ofgem FPNES Governance Drafting Consultation. NEA fully supports the Fuel Poverty Network Extension Scheme, and is pleased that it will continue until 2026. In order for the scheme to reach its full potential, Ofgem must require…

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator's Draft Forward Work Programme 2020-2021

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s Draft Forward Work Programme 2020-2021

17th Feb 2020

NEA NI works closely with the Utility Regulator across many aspects of work, but especially in relation to consumers and policy development, also with the view to empowering consumers and communities. We have made some comments around the objectives in…

Energy Advice Pack for Homes Off Mains Gas

Energy Advice Pack for Homes Off Mains Gas

16th Mar 2017

Practical advice on saving energy and reducing fuel costs for homes off the mains gas grid.