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Solving the cost of living crisis: the case for a new social tariff in the energy market
Post on 04th Jul 2022
Low income energy customers face a double burden from the current energy crisis: the rising cost of bills and paying more for their energy due to the poverty premium.
The government must introduce a new social tariff to lower the cost of bills for low income households. A social tariff is a targeted discount energy deal for qualifying low income consumers. It is a safety net for eligible households who might be struggling to afford their bills.
It is typically below the price of the cheapest available energy tariff and targeted at those living in fuel poverty or on a low income.
Content Type:Publications

Smarter Homes for a Smarter Future webinar
Post on 28th Apr 2022
Critical factors for the Adoption of Smart Homes for Energy Efficiency
Content Type:Publications

Supporting vulnerable energy customers this winter
Post on 26th Jan 2022
This policy briefing highlights the positive steps that can be taken now by the UK Government and energy regulator Ofgem to respond to the current energy crisis and support vulnerable energy customers this winter. It is hoped that this will prompt policy interventions in advance of Ofgem announcing in February the next revision to the energy price cap.
Content Type:Publications

NEA briefing paper for the Communities Committee on Private Tenacies Bill
Post on 24th Jan 2022
The report details that there were 5,802 deaths in Northern Ireland in the 2019/20 winter period which is the third highest number of winter deaths in the last 10 years.
Nation / Region:
Northern Ireland
Content Type:Publications

NEA Strategy 2021-2026
Post on 29th Sep 2021
The NEA strategy sets out our three priorities for the next five years. Five years that must be the start of a decade of dramatic action and delivery.
Content Type:Publications

NEA Budget Submission 2021
Post on 09th Feb 2021
NEA’s Budget submission builds on recent positive policy developments and highlights where key actions remain and must be taken within the upcoming Budget.
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Content Type:Publications

Energy Efficiency First Declaration
Post on 02nd Dec 2020
Responding to the devastating threat of climate change, Parliament has now declared a climate emergency and the UK Government has legislated to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This target can only be achieved with a major reduction in energy demand.
Content Type:Publications

A new fuel poverty strategy for Wales
Post on 29th Jul 2020
This short briefing highlights the key commitments NEA Cymru would like to see reflected in the consultation and final strategy, to renew the Welsh Government’s commitment to end fuel poverty and rejuvenate efforts by a range of key stakeholders around this crucial cause.
Nation / Region:
Content Type:Publications

Manifesto for Warmth 2019
Post on 01st Nov 2019
Each winter across the UK, on average, at least 11,400 people die due to a cold home. During the “Beast from the East” in the winter 2017/18, people were ten times more likely to die from living in a cold house than a road accident. As well as the direct devastating impacts of a cold home, the resulting loss in productivity and cold-related ill health causes significant health and social care costs, queues at GP surgeries and emergency departments and delays the discharge of the most vulnerable patients from hospital.
Content Type:Publications
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