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Impact Report 2023-24

Impact Report 2023-24

26th Jul 2024

National Energy Action’s Impact Report 2023-24 highlights the work we’ve done and the challenges we’ve faced over the last year as the national fuel poverty and energy efficiency charity.

UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2021-2022

UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2021-2022

17th Jan 2023

This year’s UK Fuel Poverty Monitor, covering the period 2021 to 2022, considers the causes of the energy crisis as well as how it has impacted fuel poor households and the organisations that work to support them.

Understanding Carbon Monoxide Rise in Households Vulnerable to Fuel Poverty

Understanding Carbon Monoxide Rise in Households Vulnerable to Fuel Poverty

15th Sep 2017

This research investigated the relationship between fuel poverty and carbon monoxide (CO) risk in households on low incomes and in vulnerable situations.

The Cold Man of Europe

The Cold Man of Europe

01st Oct 2015

This briefing compares the state of the UK housing stock and fuel poverty levels with 15 other European countries. It concludes that no other country of the 16 assessed performed as poorly overall as the UK across the range of…