Set your own challenge

Are you undertaking a marathon, climbing Kilimanjaro, swimming the channel? Or, do you simply want to bake a cake or sit in a tub of beans? Use your challenge to raise vital funds for NEA – every little counts in our fight against fuel poverty.

You can support us by setting up a JustGiving page and see how the money soon adds up. Raising money for NEA through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. The money raised will be sent directly to us and Gift Aid will be reclaimed on every eligible donation by a UK taxpayer. It means that you raise more, while saving time and cutting costs for us.

To set up a JustGiving page and help raise money for us online go to the website and search National Energy Action.

Please get in touch – we’d love to hear your plans and help share your story.

Contact: Alice Dalgleish

With your support we can provide a lifeline to those in need this winter.