Northern Ireland Fuel Poverty Action Guide (Edition 1)
Date: 26th Jun 2018

This guide is designed to be a practical and easy to use document that will help you navigate pathways to support householders who have concerns about paying bills and keeping their homes warm.
As outlined, there is much help and support available from a range of organisations including Government and Energy Suppliers. This guide aims to bring that information and advice together for your accessibility and convenience. Fuel Poverty is brought about by the interaction of low income, high energy prices and poor heating and insulation standards of the housing stock. The 2016 Northern Ireland House Condition Survey indicates that 22% of households in Northern Ireland experience fuel poverty.
The respective UK Governments formally recognise the importance for people to adequately heat and power their homes, which is evidenced by the annual investment in fuel poverty schemes such as the Affordable Warmth Scheme of between £16 to £20million and the Northern Ireland Sustainable Energy Programme (NISEP) of £9million. While welcome, we need to redouble our efforts to tackle the issue head on.
It is vital that community groups, local Councils, health professionals, advice workers, Politicians and anyone who has direct pathways with those struggling to heat their homes affordably can help and support their clients with up to date timely information. This is the main aim of the guide, however, if you wish to know more about the work of National Energy Action (NEA) Northern Ireland and the fuel poverty landscape, please do get in touch.
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