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NEA response to Ofwat Forward Work Programme 2020-21
Post on 26th Feb 2020
Driving consumer and societal outcomes through company performance should remain a key ambition of Ofwat so that it can continue to demonstrate the legitimacy of a privatised water sector even with the reduced risk of re-nationalisation following the recent general election. Developing a richer understanding of company performance is valuable, providing the commitment to do so leads to consistent and comparable metrics made visible to a wider audience, including customers.
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Content Type: Publications

NEA NI response to the Utility Regulator’s Draft Forward Work Programme 2020-2021
Post on 17th Feb 2020
NEA NI works closely with the Utility Regulator across many aspects of work, but especially in relation to consumers and policy development, also with the view to empowering consumers and communities. We have made some comments around the objectives in the draft Forward Work Programme and have made some suggestions, which we hope are helpful on priority projects, which we believe may enhance the Forward Work Programme 2020–21.
Nation / Region:
Northern Ireland
Content Type: Publications

NEA response to Defra’s consultation on reducing personal water use
Post on 02nd Oct 2019
NEA has championed the need for the breadth of the energy industry to help fund and facilitate energy efficiency improvements. In particular, we believe obligated energy suppliers must uphold their ECO obligations and when delivering this vital assistance (either themselves or via their contractors), treat their customers fairly and respond to the enhanced needs of those in vulnerable situations.
Content Type: Publications

Water Poverty: A Common Measurement
Post on 26th Aug 2019
This paper sets out to explore how adoption of a common and consistent set of approaches to tackling ‘water poverty’ may lead to successful outcomes for customers. It is designed to generate debate
across all interested stakeholders and to consider ways in which water can be made affordable for all customers.
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Content Type: Publications

NEA response to Ofwat’s draft determinations PR19
Post on 01st Aug 2019
NEA welcomes Ofwat’s recognition of affordability issues with water bills, highlighted by the 3 million customers in England and Wales saying they struggle to pay their water bills. Ofwat’s interventions to ensure bills are reduced by over 12% before inflation will make a significant difference to customers who are struggling to, or at risk of struggling to, pay their bills.
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Content Type: Publications
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