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Local Authority survey – two years into the energy crisis.
Local Authority survey – two years into the energy crisis.
Post on 14th Mar 2024
Two years into the energy crisis, we would like to understand the ‘state of play’ for our local authority partners in the many different roles they deliver.
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type: Research and Policy
Local Council
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National Energy Action: ‘the Budget has done almost nothing to help fuel poor households’
National Energy Action: ‘the Budget has done almost nothing to help fuel poor households’
Post on 06th Mar 2024
In response to today’s Budget, Chief Executive of National Energy Action (NEA), Adam Scorer, says fuel poor households have been forgotten.
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type: Media Press Releases
Fuel Poverty
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New official statistics highlight fuel poverty crisis deepening – as half of British adults turn their heating off, even when it’s cold inside
New official statistics highlight fuel poverty crisis deepening – as half of British adults turn their heating off, even when it’s cold inside
Post on 15th Feb 2024
Today the UK government reveals 3.17 million households in England are in fuel poverty – virtually unchanged from 2022. The figures show that the fuel poverty crisis is deepening.
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type: Media Press Releases
Fuel Poverty, News
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National Energy Action responds to Labour’s new warm homes plan: ‘People in the worst fuel poverty need urgent and sustained action on energy efficiency.’
National Energy Action responds to Labour’s new warm homes plan: ‘People in the worst fuel poverty need urgent and sustained action on energy efficiency.’
Post on 08th Feb 2024
Today Labour announces a new warm homes plan.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type: News Release
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UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2022-23
UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2022-23
Post on 31st Jan 2024
The UK Fuel Poverty Monitor report from National Energy Action (NEA) and Energy Action Scotland (EAS) sets out the urgent priorities for tackling fuel poverty in England and across the UK. 
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type: Publications
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New report reveals 3 million households will still be trapped in fuel poverty by 2030
New report reveals 3 million households will still be trapped in fuel poverty by 2030
Post on 29th Jan 2024
A new report launched this week by National Energy Action (NEA) and Energy Action Scotland (EAS) warns the UK government will miss a legal requirement on fuel poverty in England by a staggering margin.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type: News
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National Energy Action (NEA) Budget Submission 2024
National Energy Action (NEA) Budget Submission 2024
Post on 25th Jan 2024
National Energy Action’s key proposals: 1. Deliver on the commitment to consult on a new mandated social tariff from April 2024 2. Address a growing mountain of debt in the energy sector through a ‘help to repay’ scheme 3. Provide additional funding to upgrade the homes of fuel poor households, alongside effective regulations in the PRS
Nation / Region: UK
Content Type: Publications
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National Energy Action (NEA) response to the Changes to prepayment meter standing charges and other debt costs statutory consultation
National Energy Action (NEA) response to the Changes to prepayment meter standing charges and other debt costs statutory consultation
Post on 17th Jan 2024
National Energy Action has consistently advocated for payment premiums to be eliminated in the energy market. Historically, our focus has been on the premium faced by prepayment users, which before the pandemic, was the larger differential.
Nation / Region: Wales , UK , Scotland
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National Energy Action (NEA) response to the Levelling the cost of standing charges on prepayment meters consultation
National Energy Action (NEA) response to the Levelling the cost of standing charges on prepayment meters consultation
Post on 16th Jan 2024
National Energy Action has consistently advocated for payment premiums to be eliminated in the energy market. Historically, our focus has been on the premium faced by prepayment users, which before the pandemic, was the larger differential.
Nation / Region: Wales , UK , Scotland
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