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Warming communities
Warming communities
Post on 20th Dec 2023
National Energy Action are proud to work on the Warming Communities programme, a collaborative, community-led approach to energy advice and support which harnesses the power and expertise of partner organisations to explore a more inclusive and bespoke advice landscape.
Content Type:Projects
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Leicester Energy Action
Leicester Energy Action
Post on 20th Dec 2023
Leicester Energy Action is one of our projects, based on the ground in Leicester.
Nation / Region: East Midlands
Content Type:Projects
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Empowered by Energy
Empowered by Energy
Post on 09th Aug 2022
Empowered by Energy is a unique energy awareness project empowering newly recognised refugees to the UK, often struggling to survive on extremely low incomes, to overcome the language barrier, understand new energy markets and save money.
Content Type:Projects
Advice Delivery, Refugees
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Warm and Safe Homes in Fishwick
Warm and Safe Homes in Fishwick
Post on 20th Apr 2022
In 2013 around 360 households in Fishwick had external wall insulation on their homes. This was part of a national energy efficiency scheme that should have made homes easier and cheaper to keep warm, but for many households the choice of measures and quality of work was poor and properties developed severe damp and mould.
Nation / Region: North West
Content Type:Projects
Cold Homes, Advice, Retrofit
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Warm Welcome
Warm Welcome
Post on 19th Apr 2022
NEA is rolling out a project across England and Wales to provide vital advice and support to new and expectant parents at a time when having a warm, safe home is of paramount importance.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type:Projects
Advice, Family
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Solar PV Advice
Solar PV Advice
Post on 20th Oct 2021
Domestic solar PV systems convert sunlight into electricity which can be used in the home. They can help you reduce your energy bills, but it is important to understand how they work and how to get the most out of them. Find out more about using Solar PV systems.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type:Projects
Renewable Energy, Solar PV
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Smart Meters
Smart Meters
Post on 20th Oct 2021
NEA believes that smart metering has the potential to provide real benefits for vulnerable and low-income householders. In particular, we are supportive of the capacity of smart meters to end estimated billing, to provide greater control over personal energy use, and to make payment for ‘pay as you go’ energy much more convenient.
Nation / Region: Scotland , Wales
Content Type:Projects
Smart Meters
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Warm Minds
Warm Minds
Post on 20th Oct 2021
This small-scale pilot project, run in partnership with UK Power Networks, supports people with mental health issues and their carers.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type:Projects
Health, Partnership Working
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Water Poverty
Water Poverty
Post on 20th Oct 2021
NEA is proud to be working with Northumbrian Water Group (NWG) on an innovative programme which aims to eradicate water poverty by 2030.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , Scotland
Content Type:Projects
Water Poverty
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