Independent evaluation of the “Tadpole” product (CP943)
Date: 27th Jun 2017

The funding partners involved were 4 Gas Distribution Network Operators via the Energy Networks Association, led by SGN (the funder), Tadpole Energy Ltd (manufacturer) and Your Homes Newcastle (social housing provider, owner of the homes which were part of this study).
The technology installed was Tadpole, which removes air including dissolved oxygen from heating system water. It claims to reduce corrosion and improve heating system efficiency by elimination of air bubbles lining radiators / pipes, so saving up to 20% on energy bills. This technology was fitted onto existing gas combi central heating systems in comparable properties within an estate to the north of Newcastle City. This technology was trialled to assess cost savings as a result of installing this technology, identify any customer satisfaction issues and overall benefits, and help determine whether this product is suitable to assist in reducing fuel poverty.
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