Addressing the impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable energy customers
Date: 02nd Apr 2020

Respiratory disease has been linked to living in a home that is cold and damp (and amongst those living with fuel debt). National Energy Action (NEA) works across England, Wales and Northern Ireland to ensure that everyone in the UK can afford to live in a warm, safe home. NEA appreciates that many energy suppliers and their staff will be working tirelessly to provide appropriate support and services for customers in vulnerable circumstances during the COVID-19 outbreak. NEA has also been capturing our own staff’s feedback on the early impacts COVID-19 is having on vulnerable customers’ access to support. The findings provide a snapshot of some emerging trends. This paper summarises the findings and draws out some possible next steps to support the industry, Government and regulator to continue the welcome work to protect vulnerable energy customers.
Download the full policy paper below.
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