BOOKING FORM Level 3 Award in Energy Awareness 6281-01 Re-sit 27 March 2025 ASSESSMENT RE-SIT BOOKING FORM – Level 3 Award in Energy Awareness 6281-01 Re-sit – 27 March 2025 This form is to book a re-sit for the Level 3 Award in Energy Awareness 6281-01 online assessment. Full exams should be booked separately. To book a place please complete the following fields. PLEASE NOTE: Once you complete this booking form and select submit you should see a confirmation note on screen. If you return back to the top of the form it means that your booking has NOT submitted. Please check that all relevant fields are complete (all fields marked with a * are mandatory) then submit again. RE-SIT EXAM DATEPlease enter the date you would like to attend. We will get back to you within five working days to confirm if a place is available.Date* DD dash MM dash YYYY RE-SIT DETAILSPlease select which sections you wish to re-sit:* Paper 1 – Home Heating / Bills, Meters and Paying for Fuel Paper 2 – Cutting Down Heat Loss / Condensation and Dampness Simulation role play LEARNER DETAILSFull name (as it appears on official documents as this will be added to your C&G certificate)* First Middle Last Organisation*Address (to send C&G certificate)* Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP / Postal Code Nation*As the exam is slightly different for each nation please indicate below which nation you work in?(please select)EnglandNorthern IrelandScotlandWalesEmail* Enter Email Confirm Email Telephone*Date of Birth (this is requested for the C&G registration)* Day Month Year Gender (this is requested for the C&G registration)SPECIAL LEARNING REQUIREMENTS Exam Access Arrangements (EAAs) are the reasonable adjustments that can be made for a candidate to access an assessment. This might include things like extra time to complete an exam paper, permission to use assistive technology, provision of rest breaks and so on. Access arrangements can be applied in certain circumstances such as for learners with special educational needs, disabilities, temporary injuries/illnesses and so on. Arrangements must be made in advance of the exam day as outlined in your original course joining instructions. This involves submitting a ‘learning support’ form that will be reviewed by NEA. Formal evidence may also be required. CLICK HERE FOR FURTHER DETAILS Do you have any special learning requirements for the assessment?*(for example, we may be able to allow additional time for certain medical / learning conditions. We may request written evidence in order to support requests)(please select)NoYesIf yes, have you submitted a 'learner support' form to NEA?*As outlined above, learners must submit a ‘learner support’ form to request adjustments to the assessment. YesNot yet but I will request prior to my examN/AREQUIREMENTS TO JOIN THE ONLINE ASSESSMENTIn order to join the online assessment there are a number things that candidate will need to prepare / provide such as equipment, an appropriate exam room etc. CLICK HERE TO VIEW ONLINE ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS We recommend that you download and keep a copy of this document to refer back to.Agreement* I have read and understand the online assessment requirements FEESPlease select the relevant re-sit fee rate* Funded place* 1 part re-sit (£35 plus VAT – not for profit organisations / £70 plus VAT – commercial organisations)** 2 part re-sit (£55 plus VAT – not for profit organisations / £110 plus VAT – commercial organisations)** 3 part re-sit (£90 plus VAT – not for profit organisations / £180 plus VAT – commercial organisations)** * If you received a funded place, the cost of the first re-sit will also be funded if taken within the timeframe of the project. Most projects run per financial year (1st April – 31 March) however, some may be different in which case, learners will be advised of the deadline. Any re-sits taken after the end of the project or additional re-sits will be charged as per the above fees. If you are unsure, please check with NEA. ** If you are paying to re-sit after the end of a funded programme, an additional charge of £50 plus VAT may apply for the City & Guilds certificate (this amount is generally included in the original course fee however, if the funded programme has ended, this amount will not be covered). If you are unsure, please check with NEA.INVOICE DETAILS (if required)The details provided in this section will be used to issue an invoice. Please provide the relevant finance / accounts payable contact details and if needed, a purchase order number to ensure prompt payment. All fields are mandatory so add ‘N/A’ if needed.Organisation name (this must be the full / official name used for invoicing)*Finance contact person (for invoicing)*Finance e-mail (for invoicing)*Invoice address (please provide the full address and postcode)*Purchase order number (if not required please indicate N/A)*DATA PROTECTIONNEA collects personal information when you book on to a training event; this is used to provide the services requested; report to funders (if necessary); and to evaluate our services. We will not share your details with any other third parties. Our full privacy policy can be viewed at the following link – lists*From time-to-time NEA may also send details of further projects / training events including free courses. Would you like to be included in these mailings? NO YES CONFIRMATION If you have read and agreed to the above information please select the submit button below to complete your booking. PLEASE NOTE BEFORE SUBMITTING: Once you complete this booking form and select submit you should see a confirmation note on screen. If you return back to the top of the form it means that your booking has NOT submitted. Please check that all relevant fields are complete (all fields marked with a * are mandatory) then submit again. Once submitted you should receive a confirmation e-mail.