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Over half a million households no longer eligible for UK Government energy rebate
Over half a million households no longer eligible for UK Government energy rebate
Post on 16th Nov 2022
The UK Government is changing the targeting of the Warm Home Discount scheme and National Energy Action is concerned that over 500,000 households across England and Wales who were previously able to receive an electricity rebate will now not be eligible.
Nation / Region: Wales , UK
Content Type: News
Fuel Poverty, Energy Costs, Policy
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Fuel Poverty charity’s reaction to Liz Truss’s energy freeze announcement today
Fuel Poverty charity’s reaction to Liz Truss’s energy freeze announcement today
Post on 08th Sep 2022
Today the UK Government has confirmed unmanageable gas and electricity bills across Great Britain will be frozen at an average of £2,500 a year, over £500 higher on average than they are currently.
Nation / Region: Scotland , Northern Ireland , Wales , UK
Content Type: News
Fuel Poverty, Energy Costs, Policy
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Solving the cost of living crisis: the case for a new social tariff in the energy market
Solving the cost of living crisis: the case for a new social tariff in the energy market
Post on 05th Jul 2022
On 4 July 2022, National Energy Action published a new report arguing for the introduction of a social energy tariff for low-income households.
Nation / Region: Scotland , Wales , UK
Content Type: News
Fuel Poverty, Fuel Poverty Strategy, Ofgem, Research, Policy & Research, Policy, News, News Release, Reports, UK Government, Social justice
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Chancellor’s cost of living measures “avert the darkest of outcomes”
Chancellor’s cost of living measures “avert the darkest of outcomes”
Post on 26th May 2022
National Energy Action (NEA) chief executive Adam Scorer responds to the Chancellor’s cost of living and energy crisis measures.
Nation / Region: Northern Ireland , Wales , UK , Scotland
Content Type: News
Energy Efficiency, Fuel Poverty, Energy Costs, Policy
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NEA briefing paper on April 2022 price rises in water
NEA briefing paper on April 2022 price rises in water
Post on 04th Feb 2022
Water UK has announced the domestic water bill in England and Wales will rise by as much at 10.8% from 1st April.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Policy, Water Poverty
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BEIS Future of the Energy Retail Market: call for evidence – NEA response
BEIS Future of the Energy Retail Market: call for evidence – NEA response
Post on 21st Jan 2022
NEA’s response to the BEIS Call for Evidence on the future of the energy market on a green gas levy.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Consultation, Policy, BEIS, Energy Retail
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Phasing out the installation of fossil fuel heating in homes off the gas grid: NEA response to BEIS consultation
Phasing out the installation of fossil fuel heating in homes off the gas grid: NEA response to BEIS consultation
Post on 13th Jan 2022
NEA broadly agrees with plans to phase out fossil heating, but BEIS must ensure that homes off the gas grid receive adequate support to decarbonise, including through funding hybrid heating technologies; ensure that there is sufficient awareness and advice around any move to transition away from fossil fuels in off gas homes.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: Publications
Consultation, Off-grid, Policy, BEIS, Decarbonisation
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Fuel poverty charity comments on ‘devastating’ increase to energy price cap
Fuel poverty charity comments on ‘devastating’ increase to energy price cap
Post on 06th Aug 2021
Today the GB energy regulator, Ofgem, has announced the biggest ever increase to the energy price cap.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: News
Media, Policy, Vulnerability, Vulnerability in the Energy Market, News, News Release
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Fuel poverty charity warns new Welsh Government Fuel Poverty Plan could leave thousands left out in the cold for years to come
Fuel poverty charity warns new Welsh Government Fuel Poverty Plan could leave thousands left out in the cold for years to come
Post on 02nd Mar 2021
Today the Welsh Government has released its new Fuel Poverty Plan.
Nation / Region: Wales
Content Type: News
Policy, Wales
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